BWF AGM 2024- Chengdu, China


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest authority of the
BWF. The Council oversees the day to day business of the BWF between AGMs.

The Key Decisions of the AGM and Council are published after the meetings and can be found on the Key Decisions page of the website.

Meetings of the membership (General Meetings – AGM / EGM), Council, Committees and Commissions can be held in-person, virtually or in a hybrid format (a mix of in-person and virtual).



The Annual General Meeting is usually held in May each year. The main business of the AGM is to 1) receive reports from the Council, 2) approve the audited accounts, 3) receive the strategic plan of the Federation, 4) approve proposals from Council or Members which may include amendments to the Constitution and Laws of Badminton, and 5) elect the Council.


The Council is the elected governing board of the BWF and serves a term of four years. The Council oversees the day to day affairs of the BWF between AGMs.

The roles and procedures of Council are defined in the BWF Statutes – Section 1.2.1 Guidelines for Council and Section 1.2.2 Federation Rules and Procedures. In March 2019, the Council approved a Council Member Declaration which all Council members must sign. This declaration is a commitment by each Council member to their legal and ethical obligations as elected officials of the BWF. In 2020, the AGM introduced rules that required vetting of ‘Officials’ as detailed in Appendix II of the BWF Constitution. More about vetting – the process and the rules, can be found on the About Vetting page.


Meeting dates of Council for 2024

  • Saturday 2 March 2024 – virtual meeting
  • Friday 26 and Sunday 28 May 2024 – Chengdu, China
  • Friday 26 July 2024 – Paris (Olympic Games briefing)
  • Saturday 9 November 2024 – Kuala Lumpur


The Council meets at other times virtually if the need arises.

The Council consists of 30 members:

  • President
  • Deputy President
  • Vice President Africa
  • Vice President Asia
  • Vice President Europe
  • Vice President Oceania
  • Vice President Pan America
  • Vice President Para Badminton
  • 20 other Council members
  • Chair of the Athletes’ Commission
  • Chair of the Para Badminton Athletes’ Commission

Executive Board

The Executive Board is made up of the eight officers and the Chairs of each of the Committees formed by Council. The main responsibility of the Executive Board is to make decisions between Council meetings.


There are eight committees which cover all key functional areas of the BWF. Committees consist of Council members. Within their scope of work, committees formulate plans, policies and proposals for Council approval.

Governance and Ethics Committee
Finance Committee
Marketing Committee
Communications and Media Committee

Events Committee
Para Badminton Committee
Development and Sport for All Committee
IOC, IPC & International Relations Committee


Commissions are specialist groups with particular expertise and are made up of both Council members and external expertise. Except for the Athletes’ Commission, and the Para badminton Athletes’ Commission, the terms of reference and the membership of the Commission is approved by Council. The Commissions are:

Governance & Ethics Technical Commission
Gender Equity Commission
HR Commission
Awards Commission
Para Badminton Commission

Athletes’ Commission
Para Badminton Athletes’ Commission
Tournament Doctors Commission
Sports Science & Medical Research Commission
Technical Official Commission